Hard-Coded Credentials
See CWE-798
Historical Examples
- Extract your credentials out to a properties file, then install your system with the proper permissions on that properties file.
- Corollary: don’t include default passwords anyway, make the user define them upon installation
- Believe it or not, this is another common problem. Developers commonly misconceive that you can keep secrets in your source code.
- The same kind of concept applies to encryption keys or pseudo-random number generator seeds - these are secrets that need to be treated as such.
- Obfuscation isn’t the answer because reverse engineering is easier than you think. (Takes time and some skill, which crowds have).
- License keys have had this problem. Many companies today resort to a remote authentication for license products. But even then, it’s still a tough problem today for desktop client applications (e.g. Windows Genuine Advantage).
- Hard-coding credentials also breaks maintainability and deployability. What if your database password was guessed, and you had to change it immediately?
Running the Demo
$ cd hardcoded-credentials
$ make